Personalized Hindi lessons for every learner, from beginners to advanced speakers.

Start learning a new language today with the best online tutors!

How it all works

Step by step programs designed just for you


Get Started

Fill out our quick form and share your learning goals.


Schedule Your Lesson

Choose a time that fits your schedule and start your Hindi learning journey.


Start the journey

Enjoy interactive, fun, and engaging lessons designed just for you.

Why us

Learn a new language online anywhere, anytime!

Letsspeakhindi, founded in 2020, simplifies Hindi learning for students worldwide. With over 300 professionals trained and a thriving Instagram community of 2,900+ learners, we focus on practical, conversational Hindi tailored to real-life situations.

Expert Tutors

Professionally trained Hindi educators.

Verified Profiles

Every tutor is vetted for quality and reliability.

Pay Per Lesson

Flexible pricing for every budget.

About us

" We prepare you to achieve your goals with professional tutors. "

We believe language is a bridge, not a barrier. With interactive classes and culturally relevant lessons, we make learning Hindi logical, easy, and enjoyable.

Our success stories

Vedika is an exceptional educator who tailors lessons to individual needs. I’ve made remarkable progress!
Kaspar Johannes Meyer
Learning Hindi has been life-changing. It’s not just about words but about building connections.
Dr. Gowri Meena
Interactive, fun, and effective classes. Highly recommend!
Raaghav P M
Even with limited classes, I could confidently manage basic Hindi conversations.
Bhargavi Pridhivi
Casual yet structured classes made learning enjoyable and relevant.
Ananya Santosh